Our MARAIS tomato
The art of farming the French way
Is the origin of your fresh products important to you? Discover our French tomato!
More information on the website www.tomatemarais.fr
Our varieties
We are a family group Producer & Shipper of fruits and vegetables founded in 1907. We have a commercial potential of 15,000 tonnes of TOMATES DE FRANCE in bulk and in trays. We grow our tomatoes using integrated biological control. Proud and passionate about our profession, we take particular care from cultivation to marketing. FAMILY KNOW-HOW
Cherry tomatoes on the vine
Cocktail tomatoes in bunches
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Information about our cultures.
The soilless tomato is grown on a substrate for health reasons. This type of cultivation makes it possible to avoid chemical treatments used against soil diseases. It is important to point out that it is the variety which determines the taste characteristics of the tomato and not the cultivation method. PBI consists of using different means of combating bio-aggressors. Among these means of control, biological control is based on the introduction of natural predators (auxiliaries) to harmful insects. The “white fly” (whitefly) is the main enemy of the tomato producer, it blackens the leaves and destroys the whole of the harvest. “We have seen what is practiced in Holland, major tomato producers,” explain the MARAIS group. “And we have reintroduced predatory insects (encarsia formosa, Macrolophus – editor’s note) of the white fly, as well as bumblebees as pollinators.” In fact, plates of Encarsia pupae are placed on the tomato plants 2 to 3 weeks after receiving the plants. The Encarsia pupae will then seek to eliminate the whitefly larvae. This method is a protective choice. environment and consumer satisfaction.